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Showing posts with label suprer star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suprer star. Show all posts

Happy Birthday JAVED AKHTAR-The Dialogue-Weaver and Lyrical Maestro

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Happy Birthday JAVED AKHTAR-The Dialogue-Weaver and Lyrical Maestro

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Javed Akhtar was born on 17th Jan 1945 in Gwalior. His father Jan Nisar Akhtar was a Bollywood film songwriter and Urdu poet, and his mother Safia Akhtar was a singer, teacher and writer. He spent most of his childhood and was schooled in Lucknow. He graduated from Saifiya College in BhopalWhen Javed Akhtar arrived in Mumbai in 1964, he was a homeless man without

Remembering DEV ANAND on his 5th Death Anniversary

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Remembering DEV ANAND on his 5th Death Anniversary

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Lesser Known Facts About Dev AnandBorn Dharam Dev Anand, the actor was fondly addressed as DD, an abbreviated version of his first name by his peers in schoolDev Anand's first role model was his elder brother Chetan AnandChetan had studied in London and was a man of intellect and refined tastes. While Dev Anand eventually grew out of