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Showing posts with label chetan anand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chetan anand. Show all posts

Famous Trio of Brothers or sisters in Bollywood

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Famous Trio of Brothers or sisters in Bollywood

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Sibling�s actors in Bollywood is not uncommon but when it comes to three brothers and all of them actors, is rare. There have been instances where three brothers from the same parents have worked in different departments of film making.The first of such Brother,s Trio comes in our mind is Raj Kapoor,Shammi and Shashi Kapoor.The other famous Brother

CHETAN ANAND-A Progressive Thinker

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CHETAN ANAND-A Progressive Thinker

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CHETAN ANAND-A Progressive Thinker Image
 Chetan Anand�s Neecha Nagar was the first Indian film that was selected in any International film festival.Neecha Nagar had to compete with many amazing films that year(1946) like Roberto Rossellini�s Rome, Open City (Italy), David Lean�s Brief Encounter (UK), and Billy Wilder�s The Lost Weekend (USA). It won the hearts of critics and viewers alike and emerged as a winner